We will be located in the Cleveland Marriott East in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. Rooms are now available to book. Rooms are available for a special rate of $119/night for a standard room or $139/night for two double beds.

On our second day, we will board buses for the 20-minute drive to the first LDS temple, in Kirtland, Ohio. We will tour the historic church and original settlement (now an outdoor museum), and visitor center, which is filled with parishioners’ nativities. They also have the Lord’s Prayer recorded in every language.

The tour continues with the Sanctuary on Green, a converted home filled with wonderful German-styled hand carved nativities and other Christmas ornaments. The sculptors, Victoria and Norbert Koehn, live on site.

Then we will tour Gesu church to see a nativity display that includes Emma Lincoln’s personal collection on permanent display as well as others owned by parish members.

We are asking members to bring small nativities (4 inches or less) to the conference to display in the Members Museum.

December 1
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM This pre-day of the conference features an easy craft day making nativities from books or pop-up cards. You don't need to be an artist to participate.
2:00 - 6:00 PM: Registration
6:30 PM: Welcome social, hors d'oeurves provided & cash bar
December 2
Annual Friends of the Creche meeting
CHRISTOPHER AXELROD - A popular and highly informative lecture by a seasoned industry market expert to learn the reality of what is driving today’s national art market trends and values, as well as forecasting their future worth. Christopher will translate this information for our nativity treasures to help us know their value. Creative methods of collection disbursement will be addressed.
COLLEEN SNYDER, Cleveland Museum of Art - "Presepio Production: Uncovering the Materials and Manufacture of a Neapolitan 18th Century Creche". The city of Naples, Italy has a long tradition of creating elaborate doll-like figurines for Nativity scenes. This practice, which began in the early 1700s, continues today, and the most elaborate scenes contain hundreds of figurines, animals and even accessories like musical instruments and food. Recent research and analysis of the materials and techniques have provided a window into how Cleveland's presepio set was constructed.
KATHLEEN CONRAD, Nativity of the Lord Jesus Catholic Church - Tour coordinator for a permanent museum showcasing over 400 nativities, Kathleen will share how they promote the museum through various tours and events. You will see pictures of the church, which reflects the birthplace of Jesus, the Bethlehem Cave, a replica of Jesus’ birthplace as it now appears in Bethlehem, and input from Fr. David Halaiko, founder of the museum, who will present some of the unique nativities in the museum.
THE REVERAND JOHANN ROTEN - Learn about unique figures that have been represented in nativity scenes. How does their presence enhance the Incarnation? Father Johann Roten, founding FOTC member and professor from the University of Dayton, is a creche scholar and expert. He has spoken around the world, sharing the unique beauty of many cultural expressions of Jesus.
Member's Museum of Miniatures
Manger Mart with vendors
December 3
Travel by bus to tour Kirtland LDS Temple and historic village, Sanctuary on Green, and Gesu Church
Nativity auction of nativities donated by members attending the conference
Banquet, entertainment and awards